About us is a link shortening service operated by Gleanin and used to provide trackable invites to events.

Log files

When you visit this site or a shortened link, we will temporarily collect basic information from your browser such as IP address, browser, operating system, and time stamps to aid with maintaining the site and debugging issues. We do not share log files externally and they are automatically deleted after 7 days.

Cookies and tracking

Cookies are small text filed placed on your hard drive when you visit websites.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but have an option to turn off the cookie features. More sophisticated browsers may also allow you to decide on an individual cookie basis when a new cookie is received.

We use cookies to record which shortened URLs have been visited. In this way we can attribute event registrations to a shared link and provide reporting on referrals.

While none of the data we store in cookies is personally identifiable information, we do assign a unique identifier to each link which can be referenced against data you provide to the event organiser. This is used for reporting which registrants are responsible for further registrations.

Legal information and how to contact us

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 we (Level 29 Ltd., Suite 189, 43 Bedford Street, London, WC2E 9HA) are a data processor and the event you are registering for is the data controller.

If you have any queries regarding Level 29 Ltd's use of personal data please write to us or email us at